Hemp flower is great at promoting what researchers call homeostasis (full-body balance). It all starts with stress reduction. CBD bud shops near me hemp flower’s most popular uses include alleviating pain, anxiety, inflammation, and sleep-related issues. It’s thought that CBD offers these benefits by activating the endocannabinoid system. The ECS, in turn, prevents the breakdown of certain endocannabinoids in the brain.

The way that cannabinoids interact with your endocannabinoid system plays a role in regulating perception, pain, stress, appetite, energy, memory, sleep, fertility, and many other physical processes that affect your overall wellbeing. In addition to being powerfully balancing and often relaxing, CBD flower may:

Lower stress and anxiety, including generalized anxiety and social anxiety symptoms.Improve sleep, by helping to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and making it easier to stay asleep, thanks to soothing and sedative effects.Decrease muscle and joint pains, and help to manage chronic pain and involuntary muscle twitching

Improve mobility and comfort

Promote “relaxed mental focus” and concentration, due to its calming but uplifting effects

Alleviate symptoms associated with epilepsy and seizure disorders (in both children and adults)

Help to manage digestive symptoms, such as those caused by IBS and inflammatory bowel diseases

Reduce psychotic symptoms associated with conditions including schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, and psychosis

Decrease TMJ symptoms, including pain

Potentially help to reduce addictive behaviors by decreasing anxiety and cravings.You’re most likely to experience these benefits when using “whole plant medicine.” This type of product leaves the hemp plant’s compounds fully intact instead of using isolates that have gone through more processing.

High-quality CBD flower offers what is commonly referred to as the “entourage effect,” which describes how various compounds in hemp work together synergistically to produce a heightened and more powerful effect. Not only is it more affordable to use bud, but you’ll also experience the benefits immediately. That means less time waiting for relief to set in, and more clarity on which dose is right for you.


One of the most appealing things about CBD’s benefits is that they often come with little to no side effects. The same can’t be said about many prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Another nice thing about flower? You don’t have to rearrange your entire day around it. You’re free to partake of hemp flower at virtually any time of day or night. And you don’t have to avoid driving, watching your children, or getting work done afterward. Hemp flower can be carried along on the go, too.

Because there are many different types of CBD flower, benefits will vary depending on the specific strain that you choose. This comes down to the exact percentage of CBD and other cannabinoids in each unique strain. Some hemp flower strains are more uplifting and energizing, while others are more calming. People may choose to use different strains during the day than at night to achieve desired effects.

CBD may be used in combination with conventional medicines to offer even more benefits. CBD has also been found to have an “opioid-sparing effect,” so much so that some CBD users are able to wean off of opioid medication.

That being said, in the United States, as of late 2020, for legal reasons CBD/hemp can’t be included in products marketed with therapeutic claims. This doesn’t mean that it isn’t a valuable addition to your wellness routine, just that you probably won’t see CBD flower for sale in the same ways as other supplements or medications.

Side effects of CBD Flower strains

CBD is generally considered safe to consume and non-intoxicating. However, like with any supplement (or even medication), it’s possible to experience certain side effects, especially if someone takes a large amount.


The good news is that while CBD bud shops near me may cause temporary side effects in some people, they are usually very mild and go away relatively quickly. Keep in mind that you will not experience a “high” feeling from inhaling or ingesting CBD. The risk for feeling anxious from CBD is extremely low. Possible side effects that may be caused by CBD can include:


  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Lightheadedness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Drowsiness (in high doses)
  • Loss of sensation/numbness in certain parts of the body

Changes in appetite (although not nearly as strong as with THC)

People who take medications daily should be aware that there could be interactions between CBD and other substances. Those who take medications for epilepsy, high blood pressure, and/or high blood sugar should speak to their doctor prior to trying CBD.